Annual Meetings
Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
Annual Business Meeting:
This is the first of three required meetings. This meeting includes a meal for all members and topics discussed include official business, approval of Probationary Members, election of Board Members, recognition of Final Four Officials, upcoming meeting dates, and voting for the annual SMBOA Charitable Donation Recipient.
Sunday, december 8th, 2024
1WMOA Rules Meeting:
Held in November, this meeting is a MSHSAA approved Rules Meeting. Our Rules Interpreter will discuss all rules changes, points of emphasis, and answer any rules questions offered by the membership. In addition, we will also mention any organizational announcements and announce all Mentor/Mentee assignments.
Sunday, February 16th, 2025
1WMOA Part II Test Meeting:
Held in December, this is the last of the THREE meetings. The purpose of this meeting is to recognize our years of service honorees, recognize our hall of fame inductee(s), and complete the required MSHSAA Part II Rules Test. In honor of all recognized members, we request business casual dress for this meeting.
We would strive to go to every membership meeting possible.
This is a reflection of your professionalism and your dedication to the 1WMOA. In addition, the actual meetings are the primary sources for association-related information.